Tuesday, 10 October 2017


“Our people should learn to spend their time doing something useful and worthwhile…”
Titus 3:14, CEV

"…And Lord,
When I serve,
Let my eyes keep focus,
Not on people,
Not even on spiritual kinks -
 Anticipated snags!
An ounce of understanding is worth,
A pound of discretion;
Disappointments like roaches,
Will never miss in any warm house,
[As for me and my House,
Relish in serving the Lord]
Flexing my muscles for the gospel,
Heaving drums of evangelism to and fro..
Failures are just but dust,
That curl underneath the sole of my feet –
Vagaries of ministry;
Let prayer be my most secluded niche!
I know that which ideally You deserve,
You don’t need jokers!
All sweet like custard pie,
But lacking the endurance of the human bladder!
I dare not mention ‘hawkers’
The kind that set smiling faces everywhere,
Like a sea of winks,
Barely creating any ripple;
Ministry gags!
Lord You vehemently despise Lust,
I mean those acts staged behind shadows,
While wearing a perpetual smile,
Almost as if we are advertising toothpaste;
And vengeance was never meant to school us...
It has no emotional value whatsoever,
If I was to give in to the seductive maggot of greed,
That bites and sucks on the cords of my intimate desires,
As it slowly,
Peels off the clothes of morality off my senses;
Nothing will save me from its slow fade,
A subtle cast...
Into the Assassins’ creed,
What about Envy..
That green eyed monster that breathes delusions,
And darkness in its walk through my soul..
I wish to make my needs a garden,
And only walk within its prescribed paths!
Merciful Lord..set my hues straight,
Lest my light fails in a foreign state,
May this journey be the only worthy thing,
Wherein I’ll catch the eyes of the king!
I know how humility,
Got you wings on high,
Whatever things are gain,
Ought to be considered losses,
Absolutely worthless:
If pride be my needle and thread,
Then I risk falling,
Within a stitch in time!
Oh! Father,
To blithely ignore chastening,
Blissfully unaware of the realities of Christian life,
Is akin to ministerial madness!
What good is false spiritual reputation,
Compared to a life-giving character..

I desire to be Faithful,
Like that training dog with little furry tail..
Unlike a pet dog slothing in its kernel,
Barking at his fleas,
Let me be a dog busy working,
Hunting out,
That I may not even notice my fleas!


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